Tuesday 22 September 2020

GameFly Experience (Monday Musings 77)

I returned Sekiro and by the next day, GameFly already shipped out a new game! I'm very happy thus far with my GameFly experience.

I decided to take advantage of GameFly's free month trial, and place Sekiro at the top of the list. Given that Sekiro was recently released, and GameFly noting that there's "low availability", I was surprised to see the game shipped out the day after I signed up for the trial! I signed up Monday, shipped Tuesday, and received Friday.

Given the popularity of Sekiro, I thought I had to wait a couple of weeks, at least, to receive the game, so I was pleasantly surprised to see "shipped" when I checked the status the next day. However, I'm not sure how quickly you can receive a game that has just been released that day. Would I have received Sekiro four days after its release date?

Looking through the list of GameFly games, I was impressed that they not only have the triple A titles, but also some niche ones including the Atelier series, that appear to come out yearly. I enjoyed Atelier Sophie, but not to the point where I want to buy future Atelier series at the $60 price point. 

You can keep the game for as long as you want, and once you finish the game, upon receipt, they mail you the next game.

Games in my queue are newly released Days Gone, Dragon Quest XI (as I was considering buying the game), soon to be released A Plague Tale: Innocence, and Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm curious to see for myself if I'd enjoy RDR2, and GameFly gives me the opportunity to do so free, as opposed to having buy the game and not enjoying it. 

As difficult as Sekiro is, even if it takes me 2 months to complete, the rental is nevertheless cheaper than buying the game full price. However, it does appear to be a game I'd like to buy on sale, once the Bundled edition comes out (From software always releases DLCs), so I can return Sekiro and hopefully get Days Gone (also "low availability").

Indeed, a strat that you can use, is to write down a list of all the game titles you're considering purchasing, sample these games, spending a few hours to see if this game is up your alley, and then return quickly to receive the next game. If a game appears to be a must own, then you can buy it without buyer's remorse. 

If you're a slow gamer like me and you like to take months on a game, then GameFly may not be a good option, since it costs $15.95/month for one game out at a time, or $22.95/month for two games out at a time.

So far, I've had positive experience with GameFly, albeit it's only been 1 week's experience. If you have a GameFly membership, please feel free to describe your experiences with them.

The How Of Happiness Review

Monday 21 September 2020

Watch Out! Hedgewars Releases Long-Awaited V1.0.0

Have you heard of Hedgewars? What began as a simple attempt to clone Team 17's Worms Armageddon has evolved into one of the most polished and community driven libre game projects on the scene. After more than ten years of continuous development the project is finally celebrating the release of version 1.0.0.

Boasting full campaign support, several online multiplayer modes, full customization, and mod support, Hedgewars is without a doubt an impressive endeavor that rivals its source of inspiration in many levels. So whether you are a Worms Armageddon fan or if you are just looking for some online turn-based fun, we definitely recommend a download.

Code license: GPLv2

Art license: GFDLv1.2 and GPLv2

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Saturday 12 September 2020

Ready To Rumble

All the troops are laid out, they're ready to go. 

(Annoyed aside:  What the $#$@$##$# is blogger playing at? The old version was soooo easy to use. The new one is ok if you work in compose and never want to change more than spelling, but the html editor is about the worst I've ever worked with. I tried to move ONE picture so I could post then go to bed then spent 45 minutes trying to fix the post to make it legible while blogger covertly added 2 to 6 lines of code for every line I took out or added. I finally deleted 2/3rd of the post so I could get to bed and not put a hammer through the screen. Luckily, none of it was really worth reading anyway. )

Please don't copy this out of print, copyrighted, map of the scenario I'm playing, taken from from CS Grant's Scenarios for Wargames ....
(The map shows a 5'x7' table, mine is now down to 4'x4.5')

After playing about with map, table and measuring devices, I finally managed to work out that about 2cm on the map was roughly equivalent to 12" on my reduced table with just a little bit being cropped on the ends.  I made no effort to match unit footprints but I think the 8 man organization ends up with a close enough foot print that I can use the scenario orders of battle without having to tweak the number of units used. Its been a while since I could do that so its 2 feathers in the cap for the 8/4 figure units that the figures were painted for. That'll make my life easier. 

I didn't even have to tweak the ranges. Once the game was scaled out and the troops deployed, I realized that even though the frontlines begin within extreme rifle range in places, the addition of cover means an exchange of fire could last all day without decisive effect unless someone moves forward. 

In the meantime, a battlefield truce has been declared so that I can get on with some overdue errands and chores after having taken advantage of the "Atlantic Bubble" to spent a few days visiting family in New Brunswick. 


No Mr. Bond, I Expect You To Deck-Build...

Legendary: A James Bond Deck Building Game is more proof of how robust the Legendary game system is. Originally designed as a Marvel superhero game, Legendary has gone on to embrace franchises as diverse as Alien, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and even Big Trouble in Little China. Each new version has added something new to the game's simple deck building mechanics. For the most part these additions have integrated with the core game pretty seamlessly, while at the same time making each version of Legendary seem unique to its particular franchise. With its outlandish villains and often preposterous gadgets, the James Bond franchise isn't that far off from superhero adventure anyway, so it's definitely a good fit, requiring minimal changes to the game's structure.

New to the game the concept of Missions, a new card type that goes into the villain deck. While normal villains have to be defeated by playing cards with Attack value, missions work a little differently, offering alternative ways to defeat them such as using recruit points. Each mission set also includes an "inevitable mission" that starts the game on the bottom of the villain deck, acting as a timer to determine when the game ends and giving the last few turns a bit more excitement and drama.

The James Bond edition also brings a few new keywords and accompanying game mechanics to the game. Chase cards move more quickly through the play area, giving players less time to defeat them, and Squeeze, a keyword created specifically for Famke Janssen's absurdly over-the-top character from Goldeneye, reduces the number of cards available to recruit. Several cards taken from Casino Royale require the player to create a sort of poker hand using their cards' various symbols and values

The game play sticks to the core Legendary structure rather than the Encounters variant used by the majority of the non-Marvel versions, but it does group the encounter cards by film, with cards from Goldfinger, The Man With the Golden Gun, GoldenEye, and Casino Royale. This allows players to play out the events from these four films, but it also means that a ton of content from the other 20 films in the series (including Timothy Dalton's version of the title character, my personal favorite) is entirely missing. Hopefully expansions are coming.

This edition avoids the inconsistent artwork that is the Legendary series' only shortcoming by using stills from the movies, something they seem to be moving towards with their games licensed from film and TV properties. This makes for a better looking game, but also makes it a bit more jarring if you plan to try combining this set with any of the other Legendary games (which should otherwise be possible, at least theoretically).

Rating: 4 (out of 5) A solid entry in the Legendary series that stands on its own if you're just looking for a good James Bond game.

Friday 4 September 2020

Days Gone | PS4 Release Date, Gameplay | Everything Pro-GamersArena Knows.

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Days Gone | PS4 Release date, Gameplay & more...

Days Gone is one of the greatest PS4 special features set to develop in 2019 as it has been the most anticipated game for a long time, lastly, it will release on 26 April 2019. Created by Sony Bend, Days Gone is an action-adventure survival game created by SIE Bend Studio. This apocalyptic open world experience makes them play as a rebellious biker in a society where people are equally as deadly as the undead prowling the lands.

Quick Facts :

  • Initial release date: 26 April 2019
  • Developer: SIE Bend Studio
  • Platform: PlayStation 4
  • Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Engine: Unreal Engine

Trailer Impression: How is it? 

Sony and Bend Studio have dropped another trailer for Days Gone at TGS 2018. The trailer demonstrates to us a couple of a greater amount of the situations we'll be playing through in the game, and also a portion of the dangers you'll confront: changed bears, swarms of zombies, the earth and all the more all have a section to play in the game. 

It's an activity stuffed trailer that duplicates down on exactly the amount of a recluse and limited armed force hero Deacon St. John

Days Gone Story – What's it about?

Deacon St. John is a man who wants to live in the unsafe outside world than the bounds of non-military personnel places to stay, regardless of whether it implies managing crowds of tireless tainted and frightening zombies. Occurring two years after a worldwide pandemic overpowered progress, transforming millions into mindless zombies known as 'Freakers.' They're quick, constant and apparently relentless. Which is really very cool actually, as these do not seem like the regular zombies.

As per the designer, Deacon St. John is 'heartbroken and angry' and 'he lost everything' and Bend truly needs to investigate how that influences his activities. 

"We haven't said excessively in regards to the story yet, yet the story is going to be an immense piece of the game," Bend's studio delegate disclosed to me. 

"We begin the game with Deacon, and he's experienced a great deal of hardship, he's lost a dreadful parcel, he's a heart-broken, irate individual. What's more, the story will be tied in with investigating him and how he changes as he travels through the world."

What About The Gameplay?

Days Gone is set in a huge open-reality where the player is allowed to approach areas and targets in a large number of various ways. You can approach foes utilizing animosity or stealth relying upon your present conditions (Whether you are irritated or you are quiet), impacted colossally by assets, wellbeing, and capacities. 

The land is huge, and along these lines regions will be loaded up with various varieties of 'Freakers (F**kers),' Days Gone's phrasing for zombies, so you'll should be acutely mindful of swarms sneaking about the place, You can utilize these to trap adversaries in case you're sufficiently brilliant, drawing their consideration before releasing hellfire upon the majority. 

Conveying two weapons close by an assortment of gear, for example, Molotov Cocktails, recuperating things, and tomahawks, your loadout is fit for handling most situations easily. They likewise allow a strategy for novel innovativeness in case you're anxious to explore different avenues regarding diverse ways to deal with homicide.

For more details here's the gameplay you can watch.

That's all the main things we know about Days Gone so far, but as soon as any new updates come to us we will let you know. Till then keep sharing and stay in touch with the "PRO-BROS ARENA"